Join us on January 25 from 10am–3pm for our Health & Wellness Fair!
With these local community partners:
They will share how our bodies work, and how to take care of them. FREE SCREENINGS—get your blood pressure taken. Learn and discover with fun activities like “What a Gas!” and make some Blood Slime! The Health and Wellness Fair is included with general admission. FREE for Members.
Healthcare Professionals – This is for you!
Join the American Diabetes Association, Kenvue and Penn Medicine – reserve your partnership table now! If you work in wellness, from doctor’s offices to yoga studios, don’t miss this opportunity to educate the public on what your services can offer. Space is limited. Contact Kate Wilson, KWilson@NorthMuseum.org or 717-358-4116.
The Health and Wellness Fair is included with general admission. FREE for members.